

Mr. Sunshine’s Tennis Funtime Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

For beginner and intermediate level players, the curriculum is a combination of instruction and games designed to introduce players to "The Sport of a Lifetime" and also to prepare them for Middle School & High School competition.  Campers are separated according to age and ability level. Ages 8-16 Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are M-Th […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Future Stars Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

Fun & games to introduce "Future Stars" to the sport of tennis.  Emphasis on motor skills & hand/eye coordination.  Introduction to basic ground strokes and serve.  Minimum enrollment required:  4 players. Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are T/W with Thursday reserved for make-ups in case of inclement weather Campers should bring sunscreen, water bottles and […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Tennis Funtime Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

For beginner and intermediate level players, the curriculum is a combination of instruction and games designed to introduce players to "The Sport of a Lifetime" and also to prepare them for Middle School & High School competition.  Campers are separated according to age and ability level. Ages 8-16 Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are M-Th […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Future Stars Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

Fun & games to introduce "Future Stars" to the sport of tennis.  Emphasis on motor skills & hand/eye coordination.  Introduction to basic ground strokes and serve.  Minimum enrollment required:  4 players. Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are T/W with Thursday reserved for make-ups in case of inclement weather Campers should bring sunscreen, water bottles and […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Tennis Funtime Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

For beginner and intermediate level players, the curriculum is a combination of instruction and games designed to introduce players to "The Sport of a Lifetime" and also to prepare them for Middle School & High School competition.  Campers are separated according to age and ability level. Ages 8-16 Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are M-Th […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Future Stars Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

Fun & games to introduce "Future Stars" to the sport of tennis.  Emphasis on motor skills & hand/eye coordination.  Introduction to basic ground strokes and serve.  Minimum enrollment required:  4 players. Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are T/W with Thursday reserved for make-ups in case of inclement weather Campers should bring sunscreen, water bottles and […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Tennis Funtime Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

For beginner and intermediate level players, the curriculum is a combination of instruction and games designed to introduce players to "The Sport of a Lifetime" and also to prepare them for Middle School & High School competition.  Campers are separated according to age and ability level. Ages 8-16 Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are M-Th […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Future Stars Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

Fun & games to introduce "Future Stars" to the sport of tennis.  Emphasis on motor skills & hand/eye coordination.  Introduction to basic ground strokes and serve.  Minimum enrollment required:  4 players. Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are T/W with Thursday reserved for make-ups in case of inclement weather Campers should bring sunscreen, water bottles and […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Tennis Funtime Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

For beginner and intermediate level players, the curriculum is a combination of instruction and games designed to introduce players to "The Sport of a Lifetime" and also to prepare them for Middle School & High School competition.  Campers are separated according to age and ability level. Ages 8-16 Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are M-Th […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Future Stars Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

Fun & games to introduce "Future Stars" to the sport of tennis.  Emphasis on motor skills & hand/eye coordination.  Introduction to basic ground strokes and serve.  Minimum enrollment required:  4 players. Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are T/W with Thursday reserved for make-ups in case of inclement weather Campers should bring sunscreen, water bottles and […]


Mr. Sunshine’s Tennis Funtime Camp

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness

For beginner and intermediate level players, the curriculum is a combination of instruction and games designed to introduce players to "The Sport of a Lifetime" and also to prepare them for Middle School & High School competition.  Campers are separated according to age and ability level. Ages 8-16 Counselor/Student ratio - 1/8 Camps are M-Th […]

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness
900 W Lake Shore Dr.
Waco, TX 76708
(254) 753-7675
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