

Orange Ball Beginner (Ages 6-12) – Spring Session Five

Court 7

Using low compression Orange Dot balls, our games-based instruction covers tennis basics.  Introduction to ground strokes, serve and net play as well as rules and scorekeeping.  Emphasis on preparing the player for point play and entry level competition.


Orange Ball Beginner (Ages 6-12) – Spring Session Four

Court 7

Using low compression Orange Dot balls, our games-based instruction covers tennis basics.  Introduction to ground strokes, serve and net play as well as rules and scorekeeping.  Emphasis on preparing the player for point play and entry level competition.


Waco Regional Tennis Academy Spring Break Camp

Court 7

Group I  Pre-Academy - Beginner/Advanced Beginner & Competitor 9:00-10:30am Member $25/day or $60/week Non-Member $30/day or $75/week   Group II Academy I, II, III, & Select 9:30am-12pm Member $40/day or $100/week Non-Member $50/day or $125 week   Contact Brit to sign up or (254)753-7675


Orange Ball Beginner (Ages 6-12) – Spring Session Three

Court 7

Using low compression Orange Dot balls, our games-based instruction covers tennis basics.  Introduction to ground strokes, serve and net play as well as rules and scorekeeping.  Emphasis on preparing the player for point play and entry level competition.


Orange Ball Beginner (Ages 6-12) Spring Session Two

Court 7

Using low compression Orange Dot balls, our games-based instruction covers tennis basics.  Introduction to ground strokes, serve and net play as well as rules and scorekeeping.  Emphasis on preparing the player for point play and entry level competition.


Orange Ball Beginner (Ages 6-12) Spring Session One

Court 7

Using low compression Orange Dot balls, our games-based instruction covers tennis basics.  Introduction to ground strokes, serve and net play as well as rules and scorekeeping.  Emphasis on preparing the player for point play and entry level competition.

Waco Regional Tennis & Fitness
900 W Lake Shore Dr.
Waco, TX 76708
(254) 753-7675
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